Our Clients Tell the Story
Discover how other farmers are benefitting from Cloven Hills genetics.

“For us, the Cloven Hills genetics create a sheep that fits with our environment and business, they’re an animal that is easy maintenance most of the time, doesn’t require a lot of coddling and grows a good lamb quickly.”
– Celia Scott, Ardmeen.

“The (Cloven Hills) lambs are showing exceptional high growth and survivability – we’ve never seen that kind of growth in lambs on the property before … my stock manager asked me to bring back rams that do exactly what these do.”
– Helen Baillie – principal, Wesley Dale, TAS @ Cloven Hills 2019 Ram Sale

“Using Kate and Chris’ genetics will get us (to our business targets) quicker and easier, while still fitting with our farming philosophies and we know that they are just a phone call away for anything, if we ever need it.”
– Bobbie McLean, Killara.
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