Flexible, profitable, sustainable.
Feed Testimonials
See what other farmers say about the results they achieve with Cloven Hills genetics.
Select genetics for optimum production.
Cloven Hills specialises in breeding low-maintenance, high-performance sheep with specific traits aimed at growing your business.
Our single, self-replacing system is leading the field for maternal performance.
Cloven Hills is the most successful stand-alone stud in the Australian maternal sires database, consistently holding around 20 per cent of the top 150 rams, including at least five out of the top 10.
In our ewes, moderate adult weight while maintaining hardiness is a key focus, with heavy selection pressure on physical (black feet & type) and measured traits, selecting for ewes that hold their condition score in tough climates.
As commercial and stud breeders, we understand the challenges and complexities of modern prime lamb production.
A key factor in our success is the production of moderately-sized ewes that lamb with high survivability and rapid early growth, consistently allowing higher stocking rates and increasing production – more kilograms of lamb per hectare.
Above all, we are passionate about helping farmers get more from their farm. We understand that everyone has a different starting point and when you are purchasing Cloven Hills rams, we guide you through the selection process, based on extensive data gathered and recorded on every Cloven Hills animal, to find the ideal balance of genetic traits to suit your performance and production targets, as well as your budget.
Feed Testimonials
See what other farmers say about the results they achieve with Cloven Hills genetics.
Select genetics for optimum production.
Cloven Hills specialises in breeding low-maintenance, high-performance sheep with specific traits aimed at growing your business.
Our single, self-replacing system is leading the field for maternal performance.
Cloven Hills is the most successful stand-alone stud in the Australian maternal sires database, consistently holding around 20 per cent of the top 150 rams, including at least five out of the top 10.
In our ewes, moderate adult weight while maintaining hardiness is a key focus, with heavy selection pressure on physical (black feet & type) and measured traits, selecting for ewes that hold their condition score in tough climates.
As commercial and stud breeders, we understand the challenges and complexities of modern prime lamb production.
A key factor in our success is the production of moderately-sized ewes that lamb with high survivability and rapid early growth, consistently allowing higher stocking rates and increasing production – more kilograms of lamb per hectare.
Above all, we are passionate about helping farmers get more from their farm. We understand that everyone has a different starting point and when you are purchasing Cloven Hills rams, we guide you through the selection process, based on extensive data gathered and recorded on every Cloven Hills animal, to find the ideal balance of genetic traits to suit your performance and production targets, as well as your budget.
Our clients tell the story …
“The (Cloven Hills) lambs are showing exceptional high growth and survivability – we’ve never seen that kind of growth in lambs on the property before … my stock manager asked me to “bring back rams that do exactly what these do”.
Helen Baillie – principal, Wesley Dale,
TAS @ Cloven Hills 2019 ram sale
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